Research-Engaged Practice Network



Research-Engaged Practice Network 2018/19 - Meeting 2

Meeting on 30th January 2019

Wednesday 30th January 2019 at 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm,
Room 12.4.12, Charles Street Building, Sheffield Hallam University.

Twinkl CPD: Change One Thing

Sally Hill, CPD Project Manager, Twinkl Ltd Twinkl have undertaken a project to provide bespoke, effective and relevant CPD for all teachers centred around action-based research

Literacy Improvement in EAL

Jessica Hainsworth, Harmony Trust, Jenney Smith, Sheffield Local Authority

The Harmony Trust working with Oldham Local Authority as a strategic partner, aim to improve the outcomes and reduce the attainment gap for EAL pupils in Oldham, in turn creating better educational opportunities and preparing primary children for the next phase of their education.

Leaners First SSIF Oracy project

Wendy Wheldon, Learners First The Learners First Strategic School Improvement Fund Oracy project is focused on three areas:

  • The school language environment
  • Building teacher networks
  • Oracy framework, building on the School 21 framework, which formed a project evaluated by Sheffield Institute of Education for EEF.

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