Research-Engaged Practice Network



Design for Learning: creating a mobile game to promote arithmetic fluency

Seminar on 31st January 2019

Presented by Professor Tim Jay

Thursday 31st January 2019, 12:00 – 13:00
Room 12.4.17, Charles Street Building, Sheffield Hallam University

There is no need to book for this event.

I will share progress on the RAIDING project (Researching Adaptivity for Individual Differences in Number Games) – a 2-year project funded by the Leverhulme Trust. We have developed and evaluated a touch-screen game to help children (7 and 8 years-old) develop arithmetic fluency, drawing on principles from mathematical cognition, neuroscience of game-based learning, and computer game development research.

In the seminar I will talk about the iterative user-centred design process for the game, and the ways in which we have incorporated design elements to engage learners and to focus attention on the content to be learned. Results so far suggest a significant effect of game-play on arithmetic fluency, and we are currently considering next steps for this research.

I’m looking forward to discussing these next steps with the audience.



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